Ready to build? What to Look out For when Hiring a Contractor

Whether it’s a home, an office or a 70-feet skyscraper, building your dream place is a big project. Even in remodelling and renovation, it is important to ensure that the job is entrusted to the right construction company.
As experts in building and construction projects, we understand the difficulty that often comes with choosing the right contractor for your building projects. We have therefore put together this article to talk about some of the important tips you’ll need when hiring a contractor.

Recognizing the right contractor
How do you recognize the right contractor? The goal is to find a reputable contractor that understands your needs and can efficiently deliver on the building project within the given time frame. Choosing the right building contractor goes a long way in determining the success of your building project, hence, finding the right contractor is the most important step in planning your building project.

Basically, a good contractor is known by the quality of their work, effective risk management, good organization and attention to detail, proper license and insurance. However, we’ll walk you through the process:

  1. Do a thorough comparison of estimates
    The first step in hiring the right contractor is to do a thorough comparison of estimates from two to three trusted contractors. We must warn that while it is tempting to opt for lower prices, it is necessary to do a thorough check on their previous work; the kind of building materials they use, work ethics, ability to meet up with timelines and delivery.

  2. Always choose licensed contractors
    It is also advisable to always go for licensed contractors. Conduct a brief research on the company to know how they have delivered in previous projects. Check their track record, area of specialization and strength, references and testimonials from previous clients, and their customer service delivery.
    At Rosettee, we are licensed Kirby Builders and this shows our commitment in the construction industry over the years. One of the best things our clients bank on is our trusted professional reputation over the last forty years in the construction industry.
  1. Check for safety and insurance coverage
    Asides checking for track record and quality delivery, safety and adequate insurance coverage are other important factors to be considered. Never work with a building contractor without insurance and safety measures in place. Feel free to ask the building contractor for a certificate of insurance (COI) to help you verify the data you need. You can also contact the insurance company directly in advent of doubts. Note that, If the hired contractor is not insured, you may be liable for accidents that occur on the job.

  2. Secure a comprehensive contract
    Before you exchange handshakes over a cup of coffee, ensure you secure a comprehensive contract before work begins. Everything in details; the project outline, payment schedule, guarantees, warranties and signatures must be put in writing- to the satisfaction of both parties. It is okay to involve a legal practitioner to review the proposed contract before you sign it especially if the costs are relatively high.
    In the advent of any changes, endorsement should be made by all parties in writing and ensure proper documentation of contracts and all the supporting documents.

  3. Have a conflict resolution strategy
    In some cases, conflicts are unavoidable, it is therefore important to have a conflict resolution strategy before project execution. The terms and conditions should be stated in writing, with cost issues specifically mentioned. However, you should understand that sometimes, unforeseen circumstances (such as a change of weather) happens, and they may not be the fault of your contractor. In such cases, be considerate enough to compromise in spite of the timeline outlined in your contract.

If you are looking to hire the right contractor, look no further than Rosettee. We are trusted, insured, licensed and have a robust track record of quality delivery that has been sustained over the past 40 years. We are indeed a construction company committed to building dreams and we can’t wait to make yours a reality.