If you have ever seen a construction engineer dressed in shirt and jeans, steel-toe shoes, a safety vest and a hard hat; you could easily conclude that all they have to do is “design and build”. However, construction engineers do more than this.
Construction companies have a wide range of activities, ranging from designing to building, hosting meetings, creating budgets, and planning and execution of projects. Amidst all of the buzz, they also have to deal with competing priorities and tight deadlines.
In order to manage the conflicting occurrences that may arise from all of these; there is a need for effective teamwork and collaboration between stakeholders and the construction Team as a whole.
Teamwork entails open communication, problem solving skills, critical thinking and collaborative contribution in order to achieve construction objectives. This is important because effective teamwork in construction building ensures efficiency onsite.

Great construction companies are founded on teamwork. Individually and collectively, every engineer or personnel on the team must understand the importance of working in sync and building.
This is because, construction is not just building homes and erecting buildings, but also about building trust and integrity.
Construction operations entail a wide range of tasks. There is need for identification of who does what, a sequence of how the process will be carried out, collaboration in working together for general performance, and clarity of how the project will be carried out.
The goals of the project must be defined. They must be S.M.A.R.T. – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Everyone on the team must come to the place of agreeing with objectives for planning, construction methods, risk management, budgeting and execution.

At Rosettee, we understand that teamwork breaks down the complexities that come with construction projects. Therefore, with each project, tasks are outlined and assigned to everyone on the team.
Owners and investors are expected to provide complete and accurate relevant data while architects are concerned with aesthetics; and engineers, with safety. While consultants oversee construction projects, and help reduce costs, project team is responsible for correct layout and execution of the work as they hire and supervise the workers who work on the construction project.
Skilled workers; including carpenters, plumbers or electricians, provide labour on the construction project. Engineers plan, design, develop and manage the construction projects whether it involves building or repairs.
At Rosettee, we encourage team building as we work together to accomplish successes on our every project. This has helped us get better and stronger and we cannot wait for an opportunity to show you how greatly we have evolved. This is us asking you to build your dreams in the best way possible. Feel free to contact us today.