International Women’s Day

Women in engineering have a story to tell. But it’s not just them. On a day such as this, we have the privilege of having women from across different socio-economic, cultural and political spheres share their journey on how they have stood in their spaces to break the bias.

To us, the International Women’s Day is not just a global day to celebrate the achievements of women. This day, we also take a stand with other human rights activists from all over the world, to give a call to action for accelerated women equality in civil engineering as well.

As an organization invested in the art and science of building, we understand that no long lasting structure suddenly appears on the scene. But with time, quality work and performance every day, leads to sustainable growth. This is why we believe the theme for this year’s IWD could have had no better title, “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.”

At Rosettee, our decisions often reflect the ideology that civil engineering is not a man’s space. Hence, our commitment to building workplaces where women thrive. We also credit the successes we have recorded to the collaborative effort of people, men and women alike.  

Today, as we celebrate how women have evolved to take their place in the society, we reaffirm our commitment to elevating the visibility of women engineers and to forging alliances with women all over the world. 

There is no better time to celebrate the strength of our women who combine motherhood, sisterhood and career roles yet somehow hold it all together. 

In Gloria Steinem’s words, “The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.”

In years to come, we look to celebrating a gender equal world, completely free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination, because indeed, there is room for everyone.

To our amazing women team and staff, and to women all over the world, we say, Happy International Women’s Day!